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What happens if you connect a biogas plant with a pig farm?
Produce meat
Produce energy
Produce organic fertilizers
Reduce the carbon footprint in manufacturing
Produce meat
Produce energy
Produce organic fertilizers
Reduce the carbon footprint in manufacturing
Farming Atlantic salmon in Asia
Where there is no ocean and sea
Possible and real
Recirculating Aquaculture System (RAS)
Where there is no ocean and sea
Possible and real
Recirculating Aquaculture System (RAS)
Is it possible to produce jamon not only in Europe
For example in Asia
Are there buyers for such a product
For example in Asia
Are there buyers for such a product
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What income can an ordinary pig farm give
Meat, Biogas, Solar energy, Organic fertilizers. This is basic.
What is not the main thing. Greenhouses and hydroponics
Meat, Biogas, Solar energy, Organic fertilizers. This is basic.
What is not the main thing. Greenhouses and hydroponics
How much investment is needed to create a pig farm that will produce 3,000 tons of meat per year? 10 million, or 20, or maybe 30?
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