Pigs are being drafted in to help keep birds away from the runways at Schiphol airport in a six week experiment.
Schiphol drafts in 20 pigs to keep the geese away from runways - DutchNews.nlPigs are being drafted in to help keep birds away from the runways at Schiphol airport in a six week experiment, according to a report in the Telegraaf. In total, 20 pigs have been


Los Homo sapiens mostramos una serie de adaptaciones, tanto anatómicas como fisiológicas, hacia una dieta más carnívora que la de los grandes simios, como el chimpancé, el gorila o el orangután, nuestros parientes vivos más próximos.
¿Es natural que los humanos comamos carne?Hay argumentos biológicos para afirmar que una dieta exclusivamente vegana no solo resulta antinatural en nuestra especie, sino que hay razones fisiológicas de peso que la desacons


African swine fever destroying small pig farms, as factory farming booms. China is worst hit as lack of financial support leaves small-scale farms struggling to survive while big companies continue to expand (not a surprise).
African swine fever destroying small pig farms, as factory farming booms – reportChina is worst hit as lack of financial support leaves backyard farms struggling to survive while big companies continue to expand

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Chinese hog cycle and inflation: Considering the spread of African Swine Fever (ASF), a sharp fall in the number of breeding sows, and the limited space for ramping up pork imports, we expect pork prices in this new hog cycle to peak in January 2020. China’s monthly CPI inflation could rise towards 3.0% y-o-y at end-2019, and may peak at approximately 3.3% y-o-y in January 2020, which is when the LNY holidays will occur.

El Catedrático de Estructura Económica Santiago Niño Becerra compara el precio de la carne (en general, no sólo la de cerdo) con el PIB pc en diversos países europeos.

Daniel Beltran-Alcrudo: The next few weeks will be critical to determine how the situation unfolds: either the Chinese authorities manage to contain the disease, or ASF will continue its rally throughout East and Southeast Asia, where Vietnam, the Philippines, Japan and Republic of Korea also rank among the top ten pork producers in the world.