
Clare Allen
SeniorTeaching Associate - Curriculum Development & Innovation
Dr. Allen graduated from theUniversity of Cambridge’s Veterinary School in 1996, and completed an equineambulatory internship at Millbrook Equine Practice in New York state. Aftercompleting her internship, and working for several different equine practices,she started teaching in an Equine Studies Program at Cazenovia College, in NewYork, and founded her own equine practice in the area, called White HorseVeterinary Services. Between 2005-2006 she taught at Cornell University’sCollege of Veterinary Medicine, and became interested in veterinary educationand curriculum development. This led her to a doctorate program in the Schoolof Educational Policy and Leadership at The Ohio State University. Shecompleted her PhD in 2013, while working at Ohio State’s College of VeterinaryMedicine as a Clinical Assistant Professor. Clare works on outcomes assessment,curriculum development and the career choices of vet students, and teachesequine husbandry and handling at Merton Hall Farm.

Kevin S. Wilson
ChiefExecutive Officer and President
Kevin S.Wilson (45) has been Chief Executive Officer and President of Heska Corporation(HSKA: NASDQ) since March 31, 2014. He previously served as President and ChiefOperating Officer since February 2013. Heska is based in Loveland, Colorado,has approximately 350 employees primarily throughout North America, and isdedicated to veterinary healthcare through its companion pet and equinediagnostics (blood and imaging) business and its vaccines, pharmaceuticals, andbiologics segment. Since 1992, Mr. Wilson has been involved in developingtechnologies for imaging devices and data management in the veterinary medicalspace. Mr. Wilson is a founder, member and officer of Cuattro, Cuattro Medical,and Cuattro Software. In 1996, Mr. Wilson founded Sound Technologies, Inc., aveterinary diagnostic imaging company, which was sold to VCA Antech, Inc.(WOOF) in 2004, following which Mr. Wilson served as Chief Strategy Officer forVCA Antech, Inc. until 2006. Mr. Wilson resides in Beaver Creek, Colorado withhis wife of 25 years and their four children (the origin of the Cuattro namebeing “four”). Mr. Wilson serves and has served on the board of variousprivate, non-profit, and educational organizations.