
- Physiology and nutrition of late gestating and transition sows
- Impact of BW and daily gain during suckling on the weaning piglet gain
- The Signs of farrowing: Physiology and sow behaviour
- Gut microbiota and metabolic status of sows with different litter size
- How intrauterine immunizations affect piglet immunity
汉德克斯 (Hendrix Genetics) 的生猪品牌海波尔 (Hypor) 近日推出了专为客户量身 打造的技术服务应用“Swine Support by Hendrix Genetics”。

- Physiology and nutrition of late gestating and transition sows
- Impact of BW and daily gain during suckling on the weaning piglet gain
- The Signs of farrowing: Physiology and sow behaviour
- Gut microbiota and metabolic status of sows with different litter size
- How intrauterine immunizations affect piglet immunity