Livisto Group

公司 Premium

LIVISTO is a brand of pharmaceutical and nutritional products for farm and companion animals. With a wide background experience in the veterinary sector, LIVISTO is fully committed to the development, manufacturing and commercialisation of high quality animal health products. 

LIVISTO Group operates in more than 125 countries and has more than 500 employees worldwide. The broad portfolio provides quality, safe and effective solutions for veterinarians, farmers and pet owners.


The name of the company reflects our way of thinking: we think life is better lived together.


In the same vein, our slogan “Along with you” aims to reflect our commitment to the customer: with almost a century of experience, we are the trustworthy partner offering tailored solutions worldwide.  

As a Group, we want to contribute with our human touch to the animal health business by providing quality, safe and effective solutions to the animals and their keepers. 

Livisto Group关注了
Attila Balogh 猪场厂长老板 Attila Balogh 匈牙利 1 粉丝
Ales Brychta 兽医/顾问 Ales Brychta 捷克共和国 3 粉丝
Amaury Vervack 兽医/顾问 Amaury Vervack 比利时 3 粉丝
Gulzada Davletova 猪场厂长老板 Gulzada Davletova 匈牙利 5 粉丝
Albert Lee 兽医/顾问 Albert Lee 台湾 5 粉丝
Adam Banyai 猪场厂长老板 Adam Banyai 匈牙利 4 粉丝
1 23 兽医/顾问 1 23 台湾 3 粉丝
Andrii Vanyk 兽医/顾问 Andrii Vanyk 加拿大 11 粉丝
Armand Van Ginderen 兽医/顾问 Armand Van Ginderen 比利时 3 粉丝
Albert Yu 兽医/顾问 Albert Yu 台湾 4 粉丝
Ahsan Muhammad 兽医/顾问 Ahsan Muhammad 加拿大 3 粉丝
Anni Arvad 兽医/顾问 Anni Arvad 丹麦 4 粉丝
Anne Scheuren 兽医/顾问 Anne Scheuren 比利时 2 粉丝
Albert Chang 兽医/顾问 Albert Chang 台湾 4 粉丝
Athena  Kailas 猪场厂长老板 Athena Kailas 塞浦路斯 2 粉丝
Aoife Coleman 兽医/顾问 Aoife Coleman 爱尔兰 2 粉丝
Adél Orosz 兽医/顾问 Adél Orosz 匈牙利 3 粉丝
Alex Jakobsen 兽医/顾问 Alex Jakobsen 丹麦 4 粉丝
Allister Scorgie 兽医/顾问 Allister Scorgie 加拿大 9 粉丝
Annelies Michiels 兽医/顾问 Annelies Michiels 比利时 7 粉丝
Andrasek Gabor 猪场厂长老板 Andrasek Gabor 匈牙利 3 粉丝
Andrew Prince 兽医/顾问 Andrew Prince 英国 3 粉丝
Arjan Wermink 兽医/顾问 Arjan Wermink 荷兰 5 粉丝
Anastasios lixourgiotis 兽医/顾问 Anastasios lixourgiotis 希腊 2 粉丝
Arunee Thanasarasasakulpong 兽医/顾问 Arunee Thanasarasasakulpong 英国 3 粉丝
Anne Staadegaard-Huijbers 兽医/顾问 Anne Staadegaard-Huijbers 荷兰 8 粉丝
Ahmed Mehmedov 兽医/顾问 Ahmed Mehmedov 保加利亚 5 粉丝
Alicia Olivo Espinal 兽医/顾问 Alicia Olivo Espinal 加拿大 7 粉丝
Arpad Csorgo 兽医/顾问 Arpad Csorgo 斯洛伐克 2 粉丝
Agnes Agunos 兽医/顾问 Agnes Agunos 加拿大 2 粉丝
Alasdair Macleod 兽医/顾问 Alasdair Macleod 英国 6 粉丝

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