DanBred Hybrid has an even temper and excellent mothering abilities as well as a good longevity. The breed produces large viable litters of robust pigs, which grow fast and have a high feed efficiency all the way to slaughter, and when crossed with DanBred Duroc, the offspring will inherit all these traits as well as an excellent meat quality.
Expect larger, healthier litters and stronger weaners. Faster growing finisher pigs with lower feed conversion ratio. And a higher lean meat percentage. Choose the best performing terminal sire on the market to boost your business and stay competitive.
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DanBred Duroc - Products - DanBred - pig333, pig to pork communityExpect larger, healthier litters and stronger weaners. Faster growing finisher pigs with lower feed conversion ratio. And a higher lean meat percentage. Choose the best performing
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Year after year, the results prove that DanBred pigs are superior
In 2023, pigs with DanBred genetics have once again raised the standards for productivity – with a breeding progress that contributes to both animal welfare and your bottom line.
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DanBred Landrace has a high fertility and good mothering abilities, and it is known to produce large litters of robust pigs. Moreover, DanBred Landrace is a strong animal with solid legs and a high lean meat percentage.
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DanBred Landrace - Products - DanBred - pig333, pig to pork communityDanBred Landrace has a high fertility and good mothering abilities, and it is known to produce large litters of robust pigs. Moreover, DanBred Landrace is a strong animal with soli
DanBred Yorkshire is the result of decades of professional selection, where breeders, since the early 1970s, have focused on daily gain, feed conversion, longevity, fertility and meat quality.
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Yorkshire DanBred - Products - DanBred - pig333, pig to pork communityDanBred Yorkshire is characterised by its good mothering abilities and produces large litters of uniform and vigorous piglets. In addition to that, DanBred Yorkshire has a high dai
The DanBred sows have excellent mothering abilities and can take care of many piglets.
Therefore, it is not hard to manage DanBred animals, it is simply about allocating the right number of employees in the different units – and the results are worth it.
Even in a high labour costs country, such as Denmark, your return is EUR 5,524 per sow per year with DanBred animals in your herd – based on Danish labour costs.
Therefore, it is not hard to manage DanBred animals, it is simply about allocating the right number of employees in the different units – and the results are worth it.
Even in a high labour costs country, such as Denmark, your return is EUR 5,524 per sow per year with DanBred animals in your herd – based on Danish labour costs.
Breeding for profitWe need to be smart about our production costs, including labour cost.
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“When we improve the piglet’s own ability to survive, we see a rapid effect in production due to the improvements in DanBred Duroc. This means that pig producers who mate their sows with Duroc can see the results in the form of more vigorous piglets already now,” explains Anders Vernersen, Head of Department in Breeding & Genetics, Danish Agriculture & Food Council.
Piglet survival increases with DanBred geneticsIn the summer of 2022, we implemented two new piglet survival traits in the breeding goal. Results from DanBred breeding and multiplication herds already show an increasing surviva
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New DanBred breeding goal strengthens sow robustness
Today, DanBred takes another important step towards increasing the productive lives of sows.
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More pigs and easier management after switch
Better mothering abilities and more liveborn piglets. These are two of the reasons why Kristoffer Hald chose to switch to DanBred genetics. And he can already see the difference
14-3月-2024 (之前 10 月 9 天)